Sep 2019 - Mar 2020
:: Cal Poly Capstone & Northrop Grumman Collaboration Project (Cal Poly CPE350-450)
#computer vision The Northrop Grumman Collaboration Project (NGCP) is a project-club at Cal Poly that participates in engineering challenges posed by Northrop Grumman. The collaboration project is with Northrop Grumman, in addition to Cal Poly Pomona with whom the work for the engineering challenge is split with. The 2019 school year had a new mission which was a rugged-terrain rescue mission. My peers and I were tasked with with sensing and intelligence for one of their new vehicles.
Jun 2017 - Sep 2017
:: HEDP Program Summer Intern
#computer vision
#image processing

I interned at LLNL working on the Film Scanning and Re-Analysis Project. My research project was to design a semi-automated image processing pipeline to measure the size of the shockwave from a nuclear blast. The pipeline I developed provides was developed in Python using the OpenCV library and can detect and accurately measure the shockwave and fireball with minimal user input.